Viewing Courses in D2L

Quick Start Guide:

Once you have logged in to D2L Brightspace there are multiple places you can access your course through that also allow you to switch between courses more easily:

  1. Courses Widget
    • The My Courses widget on the D2L Brightspace homepage will show you images of all your courses. Click on them to access that course. There will also be small icons that appear on the course tiles when you have assignments to submit, unread discussion posts, and quizzes you have yet to take.
  2. Basic Course List Widget
    • The Basic Course List widget on the D2L Brightspace homepage will show you a simplified list of all your courses. They are organized by semester, and will appear as links that you can click on to access that course.
  3. Course Selector / “Waffle”
    • While in D2L Brightspace, at the top of the page you will see the Course Selector or “Waffle” as I like to call it. Clicking on this icon will show you a list of your active courses. You can click the thumbtack icon next to any course in this list to pin it to the top for quicker access. Use the waffle to quickly jump between courses without going back to the homepage.


For additional assistance, please see the Complete User Guide:

Video Tutorial:

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