Taking Quizzes on D2L
Quick Start Guide:
In the quizzes tool on D2L Brightspace, your instructor might assign you quizzes, tests, or exams
Important Notes for D2L Quizzes:
- Using Respondus LockDown Browser on D2L Quizzes: We have a separate user guide specifically for using Respondus – please reference that further down on this page.
- Understanding Quiz Time Limits: Many quizzes have enforced time limits. Make sure you understand your time restrictions before taking a quiz.
- On each page in the quiz, you can view the Time Limit, the Time Left, and the number of Attempts you get on that quiz.
- Time Limit: The total time (in hours, minutes, and seconds) to take and submit the quiz.
- Time Left: The time spent (in hours, minutes, and seconds) taking the current quiz attempt. Note that the time counts down from the start of the quiz, and the time doesn’t pause even if you exit the quiz.
- Attempt: The quiz attempt you are currently taking. Typically, you will only get 1 attempt per quiz.
- Important: Remember the quiz timer continues to count down the time allowed for the quiz attempt even if you close your browser or navigate away from D2L.
- On each page in the quiz, you can view the Time Limit, the Time Left, and the number of Attempts you get on that quiz.
Taking a Quiz on D2L:
- From the course navigation bar, click Assessments and then click Quizzes. Then, select the quiz you want to complete.
- View the instructions and details for the quiz.
- Current Time: The time you access the quiz Summary page.
- Quiz Period: The start date, due date, and end date for the quiz. If a quiz does not have dates listed, the quiz can be completed anytime during the course.
- Time allowed: The time limit you have to respond to the questions in the quiz.
- Attempts: The number of times (i.e. attempts) you can take the quiz.
- Instructions: General instructions for taking a quiz, including saving your responses, navigating through pages (if applicable), and starting the quiz.
- When you are ready to start the quiz, click Start Quiz.
- Note: If the Start Quiz button doesn’t appear on the page, please open up the complete “Taking Quizzes” help guide and scroll down to the D2L Troubleshooting section!
- Please view additional information about completing D2L quizzes in the Complete D2L User Guide, linked below!
You cannot access a quiz before the open date or after the close date.
For additional assistance, please see the Complete User Guide:
Taking Quizzes User Guide:
Viewing Quiz Scores and Feedback on D2L
Quick Start Guide:
**PLEASE NOTE – Your quiz score and statistical information are not available unless they are published by your instructor**
Viewing Quiz Results:
- Under the Assessments tab at the top of the D2L homepage, click of the Quizzes section of the page.
- Find the desired quiz, then click on the down arrow next to the quiz name. Then select submissions. You can then view your quiz score under the Score column.
Viewing Quiz Feedback:
- Under the Assessments tab at the top of the D2L homepage, click on the Quizzes tab.
- Find the desired quiz. Under the Evaluation Status column for a quiz, click the Feedback Link.
- You can view your instructor’s comments under the overall feedback section.
- For more detailed quiz results, click on the attempt link to view individual responses for your quiz attempt. Additional information on this can be found in the Complete User Guide.
For additional assistance, please see the Complete User Guide:
Viewing Quiz Feedback and Scores User Guide:
Quizzes Video Tutorial:
Using Respondus Lockdown Browser
on D2L Quizzes
For additional assistance, please see the Complete User Guide:
Using Respondus Lockdown Browser User Guide:
Quick Start Guide:
Requiring Respondus LockDown browser is something that your instructors might require while taking quizzes or exams in their class. The browser increases exam security by “locking down” your device, ensuring you cannot access other sites, and potentially recording you while you are taking the exam. Follow the instructions below to install and troubleshoot the browser.
- Find the quiz or exam you need to complete. This will typically be done by navigating to Assessments and then Quizzes.
- Any quiz that requires the Respondus LockDown Browser will have that in the title of the quiz.
- If you have not previously downloaded the browser, you will need to do that before taking your exam. You will only need to download the browser once onto your device.
- Click on the link that says Download and install the latest version of LockDown Browser.
- In the new window that opens up, click on the orange Install Now
- Locate and double-click the file to start the setup process. Follow the onscreen instructions to finish installing LockDown Browser on your device.
- Once you have the browser properly installed, navigate back to your quiz.
- Click the blue Launch LockDown Brower button to begin your quiz. Follow the onscreen prompts to open the browser and begin your quiz.